Innovation in raw materials


When talking about innovation in a lubricant raw material context, 必须记住,润滑剂的实际性能永远不应该受到损害-相反,润滑剂的创新应该提高已经巨大的附加值,利用本身就有. Without lubricants the worlds energy use would most likely double, machine parts would constantly wear down, or simply not be able to move. 一个很有说服力的例子是,如果没有润滑剂,任何织物材料都不可能加工成服装. T在这里fore any innovation needs to be on par the current one or better.  

生物基润滑剂已被发现比传统的矿物润滑剂表现出更优越的性能, with renewability and biodegradability being their strongest suit. 发明和专门生产合成润滑油的新型生物基原料的公司最近取得了成功,特别是在美国. 在这样的背景下讨论创新,对于柏斯托这样一家拥有140年历史的化工公司来说,可能会令人望而生畏. Many of our innovations are 60 plus years and counting. One of our main products – Pentaerythritol, Penta于19世纪80年代发明,自20世纪60年代以来一直在柏斯托公司生产. 因此,虽然我们有一种稳定的、必需的化学物质,它已经在多元醇酯等多种用途中得到了证明, 人们不禁要问,对于柏斯托公司来说,利用一种“老”分子进行创新是否会陷入两难境地. The answer is no, as we have never stopped innovating.  

When looking at lubricants t在这里 are two areas of innovation, direct and indirect,  that an upstream chemical company like Perstorp influences. The first is the innovation in the production of our raw materials. 举个例子, in 2010 Perstorp launched Voxtar – first Penta with renewable content, bioacetaldehyde, 然后是一种完全可再生的含生物乙醛和生物甲醇的Penta,从而取代原始的化石原料,降低十大正规网堵平台的碳足迹. 现在,这种创新并不是孤立发生的,而是基于我们寻求最佳和最可持续的原材料并不断努力优化生产的历史, the use and repurposing of both primary products and co-products. This work continues also today with 项目的空气, 一旦实施,将确保可持续的甲醇供应,以满足我们生产可再生能源的需求, low carbon footprint products in Europe. 

The second area of innovation is with our products, 即酸和醇在合成酯的过程中用作构建块. 在这里,我们看到我们的十大正规网堵平台为多元醇酯制造商提供了工具箱解决方案. 多元醇酯化学是高度通用的,酯可以调整为润滑剂或润滑脂的特定要求, the typical being viscosity. 因此,多元醇酯的创新可以从明确最终应用的要求开始. 通过了解价值链和定义客户需求,我们可以继续提供满足目的和性能要求的创新解决方案. 

When it comes to sustainable raw materials, Perstorp is often questioned about our approach to bio-based. It is important to keep in mind the drivers of bio-based raw materials, such as USDA Bio-Preferred program, whose 任务 is to create new end markets in agriculture. 或者健康 & cosmetic industries request for bio-based materials as a driver. 但生产这些材料不应侵犯人权或保护环境. Here the importance of traceability and transparency is imperative. 一些生物材料已经受到限制,比如由于森林砍伐和破坏生物多样性,欧盟禁止使用棕榈油. 油菜籽是一个更好的选择,因为它能够在接近干旱的山区种植,而且它为农民创造了机会. 但即使它是一种“神奇豆”,油菜籽也无法维持我们社会所需的所有润滑油原料. 

柏斯托不宣称生物基十大正规网堵平台,也不以生物基十大正规网堵平台来推销我们的环保十大正规网堵平台. However we do utilize biomass as the origin of the raw materials we use. 但是,由于任何单一来源的原材料都有被过度使用的风险,要么耗尽,要么以人类和环境为代价生产, Perstorp有一个更全面的想法,目标是成为有限的材料中性. This approach allows us, in a controlled and certified manner, applying ISCC PLUS, 采用多种不同的可再生和可循环资源,包括第一代生物质, e.g. 种植的作物,如甜菜或玉米的顶部和第二代生物物质,如有机废物.  This for one guarantees a security of supply and allows us, one molecule at a time, to switch ‘black’ virgin fossil carbons to renewable ones, 同时也开辟了新的创新原料来源,如发酵或碳捕获、再精炼和回收建筑材料. As long as the source is sustainable and not finite, lowers the carbon footprint, 包括生产和原材料以及过程可以追溯和计算,以避免虚假声明, 柏斯托致力于实现可持续的下游价值链和未来的循环价值链. 获得ISCC PLUS认证并仅使用经ISCC PLUS认证的原材料也有助于柏斯托达到可持续发展标准, both social and ecological, are fulfilled throughout the value chain, eg. 不砍伐森林的供应链,遵守人权、劳工和土地权利.


Elisa Swanson-Parbäck

Business Development Director – Sustainable Lubricants

+46 729 77 98 98


A person Using chemicals in lab

Elisa Swanson-Parbäck

Business Development Director – Sustainable Lubricants

+46 729 77 98 98
