Remember November: the rise and fall of synthetic antioxidants

This month it is ‘Remember November’ on the Perstorp 动物营养 social media channels. That means we’ll be looking back on how our industry has changed over the years. 我们学到了什么?? 我们忘记了什么?
有谁比科恩·施瓦泽更适合问这个问题呢? A respected innovator with over 40 years of experience, working for several of the most prominent key players in feed additives. A man who was at the helm of many innovations over the past decades. Innovations that are some of the most generally accepted solutions today. 本周, Schwarzer reflects on the rise and decline of synthetic antioxidants after the birth of the pet food industry in early eighties.

布鲁诺, 马格努斯, 不管他们叫什么名字, 不管他们是哪个品种的, pets used to just eat the families’ leftovers and/or meat waste products (kidneys, 肝, 心, 等.). ‘It wasn’t until the mid-seventies that the number of cats and dogs and social status of our pets started to increase and simultaneously the human life style changed moving from home cooking to fast-food, that the industry started to react on the growing demand for a new kind of food: pet food.’

如何保存宠物食品? 如何防止细菌进入? The emergence of this new industry in the 1980’s brought on new questions’, explains Schwarzer. ‘As production grew, pet food products larger distribution networks.. The necessity to guarantee the shelf-life of pet food increased.

The first pet foods to reach the market were canned meats. Preserving fresh meat products was already well-understood from the food side. However the down-side is that opened cans have to be stored in a fridge in the kitchen and the opened cans tended to have an unpleasant odor.

Emerging 侦探hniques such as expansion and extrusion gave a new direction of dry pet food for the industry to explore explains Schwarzer. ‘Improving the quality of the raw materials was essential to safeguard the shelf-life of dry pet food’, 施瓦彻尔回忆道. ‘The raw materials consisted of waste from the abattoirs; animal proteins that easily spoiled due to autoxidation and microbes. Schwarzer and his colleagues discovered antioxidants and anti-bacteriostatic s based on synergetic effects, with which the quality of animal protein meals and as a consequences also of the entire kibbles could be assured over a longer storage period. ‘’ Antioxidants commonly used to stabilize animal fats and protein meals were mostly based on ethoxyquin. This antioxidant molecule was banned for food use in the mid 80’s because of its carcinogenic effects. Schwarzer: ‘In the early 1990’s t在这里 was a true revolution in synthetic antioxidants towards food approved molecules such as BHA, 二叔丁基对甲酚, 没食子酸丙酯.’

As standards for people and pets are becoming more and more aligned, natural antioxidants are becoming favored over synthetic antioxidants, as the risk status of certain synthetic molecules is doubtful as well. 泽:“今天, 曾经大量使用的乙氧基醌是不可想象的, the pet food industry now increasingly turns to the same antioxidants used for consumers: plant extracts and other natural antioxidants.’

From synthetic antioxidant molecules to natural antioxidant alternatives Schwarzer witnessed the rise and fall of antioxidants in an industry born over 40 years ago. 即使是四十年后, this exciting field with its interesting developments never ceases to sparkle me’, 这位充满激情的科学家总结道.

Stay tuned for more ‘remember November’ posts on perstorp.或我们的动物营养社交媒体频道..Be sure to also read the other recent 'Remember November' articles about the way organic acid solutions have evolved over the decades,  the impact that climate change has had on the additives that are used in animal nutrition 或者这些变化 饲料卫生经历了几十年..



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